Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter Fattening

For the second year in a row, Sarah Green hosts "Winter Fattening," a poem-a-day challenge where a community of poets come together around the project of each writing and posting one poem per day for a month. 

Poets can stop and start at any time, and aren't required to post every single day--but poems must be composed on the day they're written. 

This year, poets participating include NSW poets Sarah Green, Nathan Hoks, and Katherine Hollander, along with Chad Chmielowicz, William Delman, Suzanne Fischer, Leora Fridman, Joe Gallagher, Liz Harlan-Ferlo, Chris Hund, MC Hyland, Dori Latman, Thom McCaffrey, Phoebe Wayne, and  Mandoline Whittlesey. 

Watch us as we grow zaftig with words!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nate Reads!

Just in case you weren't properly excited for Nate's reading, here's a clip of him reciting his poem, "Mouth of Clouds," published in Reveilles. 

To be fair, I only vaguely remember suggesting the title "Reveilles" for the poem. But if I did, I'm happy I did. 

Reading at Newtonville Books, tomorrow at 7:00. 


We are so pleased to announce that Nathan Hoks's collection of poems, Reveilles, has been released by Salt Publishing. 

Of Reveillies, Dean Young says that, "it would make of our minds and hearts comets and red giants." John Ashberry writes that "These poems are like great gulps of fresh air." 

The webpage for the book is here: 

Nate reads at Newtonville Books December 2 at 7:00 pm with Mark Conway and Jason Stumpf. More information here:

Three cheers for Reveilles!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Your Best Beach Body is Back!

Last summer, more than a dozen intrepid poets set out to write a poem a day for a hundred days. This summer, they're back at it, beginning June 15. 

New Somerville Workshop member Sarah Green was the brains behind the brawn. Says Sarah, "The YBBB blog which lay dormant all winter like a tarp-covered swimming pool has been triumphantly uncovered for your public viewing/reminiscing. Not sure how long last summer's poems will stay up- individual authors' discretion--but new daily poems from Leora Fridman , Nathan Hoks , Thommy McCaffrey,Liz Harlan-FerloMc HylandDori Latman, & others begin June 15. Enjoy.

At least three out of four New Somerville Workshoppers are in at this point. Check back often!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We Are Delighted

It is with delight that we share the latest good news. New Somerville Workshop member Nathan Hoks's collection of poems, Book of Clouds, has won the Crashaw Prize from Salt Publishing. The Crashaw Prize exists to publish "debut collections of poetry from major new talents."

Salt's editors write of this year's winners: "This list gives further credence to those suggesting we are in an age of diversity, no longer of poetics in conflict, but of poetries of significantly different trajectories existing alongside each other." (A sentiment we at the NSWS can certainly get behind!)

Three cheers for Nate!

More information at:

Further publication info to follow.